Link Shortener Rules.
No adult site links. No linking to pornography, cam sites, adult dating sites which contain nudity in their content.
No spammy links like investment, get rich quick schemes, gambling etc.
No malicious links.
No phishing links.
No linking out to sites that promote hate/hate speech, violence, race and/or gender discriminative content.
No linking out to sites that discriminates any religion, regardless or religion.
No linking out to sites that promote the use of drugs, sex, alcohol and guns/firearms/explosives unless they are used for "education" purposes.
No linking out to sites that contribute to animal cruelty.
***If you have any questions about the site you're linking to to see if it violates our terms or not, please do contact us first for approval.
***If we suspect any suspicious links, we have the right to remove them with or without notice.
***We will not be liable for any damage or distress caused by any of our links.
You can report a link by clicking on the "Report Link", link below.
Thank you!